So the wait for Xperia T2 Ultra users is over. Recently Sony Mobile rolled out the much-waited android 5.1.1 update for Xperia T2 Ultra Dual. Now the time has come to Xperia T2 Ultra Single SIM variant users. Today Sony mobile has rolled out Android 5.1.1 Lollipop firmware update for Xperia T2 Ultra (D5303) and (D5306 ) with the build number 19.4.A.0.182. So this will replace the previous build number 19.3.A.0.472. The fact is that this firmware update patches the phone against the Stagefright exploit.
Android 5.1.1 Lollipop 19.4.A.0.182 Rolloing Out For Xperia T2 Ultra
Posted by XperiBlog on Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Android 5.1.1 Lollipop 19.4.A.0.182 Rolloing Out For Xperia T2 Ultra
Reviewed by Yasiru Nayanajith
7:47:00 PM